Get Back to the Bedroom


Sexual Health Matters

Although society tends to downplay women’s sexual health, it is an important part of your overall happiness and well being. Don’t let your provider shrug off your sexual concerns or tell you to just drink a glass of wine or that sexual dysfunction is a normal part of aging. Sexual health is health and there are science backed, evidence based treatments to get you where you want to be sexually.

You are not alone

Sexual problems in women are common. Your friends may not be talking about them, but they occur often. Did you know that 40% of women report low libido? Evora offers a safe and comfortable space to discuss your concerns with a sexual health specialist. All of our specialists are well versed in common problems affecting women. You are not alone.

conditions we treat

Dr. Lynn is one of the top gynecologic and national specialists in sexual health and is renowned for her ability to diagnose and treat conditions that may be impacting your sex life. She specializes in the following conditions:

  • Low libido – Sex drive naturally declines with age, long term relationships, or declining hormone levels. Cancer, relationship troubles, depression. anxiety, chronic medical medical conditions, and body image issues can all play a role. You don’t have to suffer in silence. Dr. Lynn, a nationally and internationally known sexual medicine specialist, offers a comprehensive evaluation of your personal situation and a treatment plan that fits your lifestyle and goals. From non-pharmacologic treatments to FDA approved medicines for low libido, we help you get back to the bedroom.

  • Painful Sex

    • Vaginal Dryness due to low hormone levels – As women age, estrogen and testosterone levels decline. This leads to vaginal dryness, loss of vaginal stretchiness, loss of sensation and painful sex. At Evora, we understand these changes, and offer several treatment options for this condition including hormone replacement, vaginal lubricants and moisturizers, as well as the Femilift vaginal laser procedure.

    • Endometriosis – This condition occurs when endometrial tissue implants and grows outside of the uterus, causing chronic pelvic pain, severe menstrual cramps, painful sex, nausea and vomiting, and infertility. The providers at Evora can create a holistic treatment plan for endometriosis which may include medical management, pain management and pelvic floor physical therapy. Dr. Lynn also works closely with surgeons in St. Louis if an invasive procedure is required.

    • Vulvodynia – Discomfort around the vulva can lead to chronic pain and painful sex. Most women are treated repeatedly for yeast infections before the condition is finally diagnosed. Not all vulvar pain is due to yeast infections, vulvodynia may be playing a role.

    • Vaginismus/Pelvic floor muscle spasm – Some women develop painful sex due to pelvic floor muscle spasm. Your pelvic floor muscles are the muscles you contract when you try to stop peeing, or when you are doing your kegel exercises. Pelvic floor muscle spasm can lead to an ability to have penetration at all. Our pelvic floor Physical therapist, Veronica Lane works with women to help them relax the pelvic floor muscles. Dr. Lynn offers a variety of treatments from vaginal valium to pelvic floor botox.

  • Orgasm/arousal dysfunction – Just as in men, difficulties with orgasm and arousal can occur in women. Dr. Lynn offers a comprehensive evaluation to get to the bottom of your issues and restore a satisfying and pleasurable sexual experience.

  • Sexual dysfunction due to cancer – A healthy sex life doesn’t have to end with a cancer diagnosis. Dr. Lynn is well versed in the most up to date, safe and effective treatments for cancer patients and survivors. As a cancer survivor herself, she understands the complications that can arise from cancer treatment and how to fix them.

  • Relationship issues – Dr. Lynn is a certified sexual counselor. Whether relationship issues lead to the sexual problems or are a result of them, Dr. Lynn uses her specialized training as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

  • Persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD/GPD) – PGAD is a feeling of unwanted persistent genital arousal, unrelieved by orgasm. It is not in your head and this condition is more common than you might think. Many providers have no training in treating it or an understanding of its underlying causes. You deserve a specialist who is knowledgable in treating PGAD.

Book Your Free Consultation

Discover how specialized care and truly compassionate providers can help guide you on your journey to a better sex life. Click the button below or call 314-934-0551.