Meet Dr. Sarina Phatak

Dr. Sarina Tekwani Phatak is a primary care physician and a board certified internist with a practice focus on health and wellness, and over 20 years of clinical expertise in hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, thyroid disorders, pulmonary diseases, neurologic conditions, musculoskeletal disorders, and a wide variety of clinical conditions. Her focus is creating a strong doctor/patient bond with goals to improve overall wellness, mitigate risk factors for chronic diseases, and decrease inflammatory processes through lifestyle modification and clinical science.

Dr. Sarina is a St. Louis native, who completed her Bachelors in Biology and Medical Doctorate at University of Missouri in Kansas City, 6-year BA/MD program followed by combined residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at St. Louis University and Cardinal Glennon. She also completed a Chief Residency in Internal Medicine at St. Louis University.

Dr. Sarina has worked as a hospitalist at SSM St. Clare Hospital as well as building and maintaining a private practice where her focus was personal comprehensive care. For many years Dr. Sarina has also cared for the geriatric population serving as medical director for area long-term care and assisted living facilities. She holds several small group education sessions and has given lectures related to health and the immune system, and is a consistent trusted resource for patient care in connection with ever changing public policies.

Dr. Sarina is a very passionate and empathetic person who devotes a portion of her time towards hospice care. She also enjoys working and volunteering in her community, and for the past several years has both volunteered and served on the board of KEEN St. Louis to provide exercise programs for children with physical and mental disabilities.

Dr. Sarina has three beautiful teenage daughters. Together they enjoy nature-focused travel with a love for eco-conservation. One of their highlights was planting native trees in the Galapagos islands.

Our Office —

City Place 5
845 N. New Ballas Ct., Suite 310
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
(314) 934 0551